What we Believe

A Simple Explaination of Christianity

For as simple and concise explanation of the Christian faith we turn to Luther’s Small Catechism. We utilize this Catechism to teach our youth, to introduce the faith in a simple way to those new to it, and to nurture the faith of all Christians as we live it out in deed and in truth.

A More extensive Explaination of Christianity

For a more extensive and through explanation of the Christian faith we turn to the Book of Concord. This collection of confessional documents is particularly useful as it addresses many heresies, false doctrines, and erroneous teachers throughout time who have tried to deceive God’s people, lead astray new converts, and cloud God’s clear, inerrant, and infallible Word.

Additional Resources

This series of 27 pamphlets address doctrinal topics, moral issues and concerns in the church to help Christians grow, sharpen, and defend the faith once for all delivered to the saints. These documents are made available in PDF format. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.