Trinity 7 2024. Man Plans but God Provides

In this powerful and dense sermon, the preacher delves into the deep hunger for spiritual nourishment and the importance of trusting in God’s providence. Drawing from the miracle of Jesus feeding the 4,000 with seven loaves and a few fish, the message underscores that God delights in providing for His children, even in the most challenging times.

The sermon takes a controversial turn, addressing seven critical societal issues where humanity often tries to take matters into its own hands. These include abortion, euthanasia, marriage and sexuality, gender identity, education, freedom of religion and conscience, and environmental concerns. Through each topic, the preacher emphasizes the need to uphold God’s divine order and trust in His ultimate sovereignty.

Ultimately, the message is a call to resist placing trust in created things and to rely wholly on the Creator. It is a reminder that Jesus Christ, who miraculously provided for thousands, continues to nourish and sustain us. The sermon concludes with a powerful affirmation of faith in Christ’s eternal provision and love, urging the congregation to trust in His faithfulness and providence.



